Saturday, February 28, 2009

Skipping out

I skipped today's workout...and I will tomorrow's as well. I've totally crapped out my neck and really need to get it to heal. Despite the pain, I went to the gym, driving Teddy to soccer felt like I had a knife stabbing me in the back of the neck every time I stepped on the gas. It's starting to feel a little better tonight...not sure if it's healing or if it's the wine.

Regardless...I'm very happy with my progress this week....already feeling a little slimmer, a little healthier....been really, really good about what I'm eating too. Suffering it out while everyone eats "normally"...I'm eating very, very lean!

Friday, February 27, 2009


I have majorly mucked up my neck! I have no idea what I've done but....I feel like I've been rear-ended! I can turn to the right, not to the left and not straight down. May have been the way I slept...maybe the run on the mill....whatever the case....I still managed the gym today (20 on the tread and 20 on the bike). It's amazing how quickly results come about...I'm feeling good (except for the neck) and eating well. First comment from an old, old friend today..."you look great"....pumps me up to work even harder.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Third day

I'm going for it. Three days in a row....50 minutes of aerobic exercise and to boot....I actually "ran" on the's my new love. I have been eating so well and working out so hard that the benefits are going to shine through at any moment. And yeah......I'm darn ready for it!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Remember me?

It's been a while since I've been here. Took a week off from working out too...firstly because I thought I had done some damage to my "groin" area and secondly, well....girlie know how it is? I suffer...lots. So without getting into any other detail on that issue....

I stepped on my scale over at my father-in-laws place....just about died!!! No, it's not obesity or anything but....still...not what I wanted to see. So this week I decided to change my workout routine just a little. I'm at the gym every day this week, and next, and long as I can keep it up. I'm concentrating on aerobic workouts until I can lose this dastardly excess weight (10 lbs....well, at least 5).

Today was a good workout with 20 on the elliptical, 2 on the bike until an upset tummy forced me off and into the bathroom...I know...tmi! Back to the bike...15 minutes and then another 15 minutes on the tread mill...with a good stretch in there too.

I need to go into the city tomorrow and I'm really hoping that I'll still be able to swing a workout...I WILL swing it! I may just do 35 minutes of aerobic and do some ab work as well.

Knees are....killing me....but they're going to go in the dumpster at some point anyways....just grin and bare it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm too old for this

I've been keeping up with my workouts and "upping" the weights...things are going good but....there are times when I struggle and just think to myself..."I'm too old for this". Again it's a matter of my brain being wayyyy younger than my body. I keep thinking that I can become the fit, thin girl I was (with a six pack) 4 years's too much damn work! But...I'll struggle on...I can at least get 1/2 way there...maybe 3/4...hell, who knows....I might just surprise myself!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Glad to have gone

Today was a good "leg" workout...I was glad when it was over..seemed to have a good amount of "spunk" though and wailed through it with much vigor.

I'm tempted to haul my ass in there tomorrow again.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chalk up another one

It totally amazes me how I can absolutely dread going to the gym and then once it's all pumped up to return in the next 10 hours!

Today's workout was a little rushed, but I did up the weights on the shoulder press, tri press...stayed the same for the chest press and back...whatever it's called. Couldn't get my abs in, so I'm thinking I might drag myself back tomorrow. Although I haven't been feeling a 100% and today my eyes are feeling funny (burning).

I stopped at the produce store and loaded up on fruits and veggies....apparently that's the key to slimming down and keeping the blood pressure at a reasonable think?