Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Well today's workout sucked. Probably because it just didn't happen...but that's okay...tomorrow's another was just...ummm "womanly".

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Working out.....


*sigh* it always seems to be a struggle to keep to a "regular" routine of working out. My second last excuse was the trip to Boston and then it was because my uncle was here...I mean could I leave for an hour and a half each day to work out, while he waits to be entertained. was just an excuse.

Well I'm back at it again and so far enjoying it. I think it had something to do with the fact that I went back to the gym, 5 lbs lighter. *ahem*...yup...due purely because I've been very good about what I've been putting down my throat. It does motivate you.

Today was "day two" of hopefully, a 6 day workout week. I did a 30 minute cardio on the treadmill with a total of 14 minutes of running time. Then ab work and exercises my physiotherapist gave me to strengthen my quads. Today was a 20 minute "stair climber" workout with upper body on the machines. A little sore, but feeling great!