Sunday, March 29, 2009

Leg workout

I was feeling especially "strong" yesterday and went for a full blown leg workout. Let's just say my legs are in incredible pain's all good but....why do I do this to myself?! I really need to remember that I'm not 25 anymore.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Death swarmed over

Well I made it back to the gym after the "bug of death" hit me....yesterday was tough and I only managed a 25 minute cardio on the bike. Way too weak to go any further and didn't want to push it as "light headedness" was hitting me, big time.

Today was a full on workout. 25 minute cardio on the eliptical, ab work out and then an upper arm body workout. Felt good, felt strong...yay!

Tomorrow I'm going to try and get in for a good cardio, but that's about it...Saturday will be a full blown workout again.

Combined with the stomach thing and the booze thing....I lost 3 pounds...yay!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back on the wagon

I took a few days off....damn it's so fricken easy to do that. I've given myself a new challenge...Tony's been working out 5/7 days and has completely laid off the booze/(wine and beer). I have myself a goal that I'm not bleeding to death...yeah, I know....tmi....but seriously, it's getting worse...I'm back 5 - 6 days a week. I have something to accomplish before I head off to Boston and there's no way in Hell that I'm going to let the hubs win on this one! ;o)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another stab at it

I took it really, really easy on my legs for about 4 days and was feeling pretty much able to handle a slightly more intense workout. So I did climb back on the treadmill for 30 minutes and did very short, very light run spurts. So far the knee seems to be holding up....I think it's a matter of strengthening my quads to help hold the knee strong.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


....running just may not be "it" for me...regardless of whether it's on the treadmill. It's taken me 4 days to get over the intense knee pain I succumbed to. Am I willing to go through that again?...we'll see...probably not.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


...........that is my knee! She's is in a bandage!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Keep on trudging

I went to the gym today...even though body is completely spent. I did a 10 minute "warm up" on the tread mill...walking only and then did weights (upper). Am definitely taking tomorrow "off" and going to eat a deep fried oyster!

Funny thing....I sat down to work on the "chest press" and as I went to do my first rep....well, I didn't notice that my water bottle was right under the arm of the machine. Let's just say that the force snapped the lid off my water bottle (thankfully it didn't smack anyone in the head), knocked over my bottle and dumped the entire contents on the carpet. Most embarrassing!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Major workout

60 minute cardio

30 minutes on the treadmill - 6 minute warmup; 2 minute run; 2 minute walk; 2 minute run; 2 minute walk; 6 minute run; 2 minute walk; 4 minute run; 4 minute walk; 4 minute cooldown

15 minutes on the bike - level 7

15 minutes on the elliptical - taking it easy

I'm sooooo tired now, my legs are rubbery....what a great feeling!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lovin the tread

Can I just tell you how amazing it feels to be running again?! Yeah, it's on a treadmill but wow...I ran a total of 16 minutes today....4 minutes straight and I could've gone on...I just don't want to push it. I'd give anything to run tomorrow as well but no...I won't.

Tomorrow will be a 20 minutes elliptical, 20 minute bike and 20 minute stairmaster kind of day...the weight workout of today should kick in any moment now.