Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Well today's workout sucked. Probably because it just didn't happen...but that's okay...tomorrow's another was just...ummm "womanly".

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Working out.....


*sigh* it always seems to be a struggle to keep to a "regular" routine of working out. My second last excuse was the trip to Boston and then it was because my uncle was here...I mean could I leave for an hour and a half each day to work out, while he waits to be entertained. was just an excuse.

Well I'm back at it again and so far enjoying it. I think it had something to do with the fact that I went back to the gym, 5 lbs lighter. *ahem*...yup...due purely because I've been very good about what I've been putting down my throat. It does motivate you.

Today was "day two" of hopefully, a 6 day workout week. I did a 30 minute cardio on the treadmill with a total of 14 minutes of running time. Then ab work and exercises my physiotherapist gave me to strengthen my quads. Today was a 20 minute "stair climber" workout with upper body on the machines. A little sore, but feeling great!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Leg workout

I was feeling especially "strong" yesterday and went for a full blown leg workout. Let's just say my legs are in incredible pain's all good but....why do I do this to myself?! I really need to remember that I'm not 25 anymore.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Death swarmed over

Well I made it back to the gym after the "bug of death" hit me....yesterday was tough and I only managed a 25 minute cardio on the bike. Way too weak to go any further and didn't want to push it as "light headedness" was hitting me, big time.

Today was a full on workout. 25 minute cardio on the eliptical, ab work out and then an upper arm body workout. Felt good, felt strong...yay!

Tomorrow I'm going to try and get in for a good cardio, but that's about it...Saturday will be a full blown workout again.

Combined with the stomach thing and the booze thing....I lost 3 pounds...yay!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back on the wagon

I took a few days off....damn it's so fricken easy to do that. I've given myself a new challenge...Tony's been working out 5/7 days and has completely laid off the booze/(wine and beer). I have myself a goal that I'm not bleeding to death...yeah, I know....tmi....but seriously, it's getting worse...I'm back 5 - 6 days a week. I have something to accomplish before I head off to Boston and there's no way in Hell that I'm going to let the hubs win on this one! ;o)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another stab at it

I took it really, really easy on my legs for about 4 days and was feeling pretty much able to handle a slightly more intense workout. So I did climb back on the treadmill for 30 minutes and did very short, very light run spurts. So far the knee seems to be holding up....I think it's a matter of strengthening my quads to help hold the knee strong.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


....running just may not be "it" for me...regardless of whether it's on the treadmill. It's taken me 4 days to get over the intense knee pain I succumbed to. Am I willing to go through that again?...we'll see...probably not.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


...........that is my knee! She's is in a bandage!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Keep on trudging

I went to the gym today...even though body is completely spent. I did a 10 minute "warm up" on the tread mill...walking only and then did weights (upper). Am definitely taking tomorrow "off" and going to eat a deep fried oyster!

Funny thing....I sat down to work on the "chest press" and as I went to do my first rep....well, I didn't notice that my water bottle was right under the arm of the machine. Let's just say that the force snapped the lid off my water bottle (thankfully it didn't smack anyone in the head), knocked over my bottle and dumped the entire contents on the carpet. Most embarrassing!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Major workout

60 minute cardio

30 minutes on the treadmill - 6 minute warmup; 2 minute run; 2 minute walk; 2 minute run; 2 minute walk; 6 minute run; 2 minute walk; 4 minute run; 4 minute walk; 4 minute cooldown

15 minutes on the bike - level 7

15 minutes on the elliptical - taking it easy

I'm sooooo tired now, my legs are rubbery....what a great feeling!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lovin the tread

Can I just tell you how amazing it feels to be running again?! Yeah, it's on a treadmill but wow...I ran a total of 16 minutes today....4 minutes straight and I could've gone on...I just don't want to push it. I'd give anything to run tomorrow as well but no...I won't.

Tomorrow will be a 20 minutes elliptical, 20 minute bike and 20 minute stairmaster kind of day...the weight workout of today should kick in any moment now.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Skipping out

I skipped today's workout...and I will tomorrow's as well. I've totally crapped out my neck and really need to get it to heal. Despite the pain, I went to the gym, driving Teddy to soccer felt like I had a knife stabbing me in the back of the neck every time I stepped on the gas. It's starting to feel a little better tonight...not sure if it's healing or if it's the wine.

Regardless...I'm very happy with my progress this week....already feeling a little slimmer, a little healthier....been really, really good about what I'm eating too. Suffering it out while everyone eats "normally"...I'm eating very, very lean!

Friday, February 27, 2009


I have majorly mucked up my neck! I have no idea what I've done but....I feel like I've been rear-ended! I can turn to the right, not to the left and not straight down. May have been the way I slept...maybe the run on the mill....whatever the case....I still managed the gym today (20 on the tread and 20 on the bike). It's amazing how quickly results come about...I'm feeling good (except for the neck) and eating well. First comment from an old, old friend today..."you look great"....pumps me up to work even harder.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Third day

I'm going for it. Three days in a row....50 minutes of aerobic exercise and to boot....I actually "ran" on the's my new love. I have been eating so well and working out so hard that the benefits are going to shine through at any moment. And yeah......I'm darn ready for it!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Remember me?

It's been a while since I've been here. Took a week off from working out too...firstly because I thought I had done some damage to my "groin" area and secondly, well....girlie know how it is? I suffer...lots. So without getting into any other detail on that issue....

I stepped on my scale over at my father-in-laws place....just about died!!! No, it's not obesity or anything but....still...not what I wanted to see. So this week I decided to change my workout routine just a little. I'm at the gym every day this week, and next, and long as I can keep it up. I'm concentrating on aerobic workouts until I can lose this dastardly excess weight (10 lbs....well, at least 5).

Today was a good workout with 20 on the elliptical, 2 on the bike until an upset tummy forced me off and into the bathroom...I know...tmi! Back to the bike...15 minutes and then another 15 minutes on the tread mill...with a good stretch in there too.

I need to go into the city tomorrow and I'm really hoping that I'll still be able to swing a workout...I WILL swing it! I may just do 35 minutes of aerobic and do some ab work as well.

Knees are....killing me....but they're going to go in the dumpster at some point anyways....just grin and bare it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm too old for this

I've been keeping up with my workouts and "upping" the weights...things are going good but....there are times when I struggle and just think to myself..."I'm too old for this". Again it's a matter of my brain being wayyyy younger than my body. I keep thinking that I can become the fit, thin girl I was (with a six pack) 4 years's too much damn work! But...I'll struggle on...I can at least get 1/2 way there...maybe 3/4...hell, who knows....I might just surprise myself!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Glad to have gone

Today was a good "leg" workout...I was glad when it was over..seemed to have a good amount of "spunk" though and wailed through it with much vigor.

I'm tempted to haul my ass in there tomorrow again.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chalk up another one

It totally amazes me how I can absolutely dread going to the gym and then once it's all pumped up to return in the next 10 hours!

Today's workout was a little rushed, but I did up the weights on the shoulder press, tri press...stayed the same for the chest press and back...whatever it's called. Couldn't get my abs in, so I'm thinking I might drag myself back tomorrow. Although I haven't been feeling a 100% and today my eyes are feeling funny (burning).

I stopped at the produce store and loaded up on fruits and veggies....apparently that's the key to slimming down and keeping the blood pressure at a reasonable think?

Saturday, January 31, 2009


The "girls only" side of the gym received a whole line of brand new treadmills and I....definitely tested one out!

It was an easier workout but included the usual....20 minutes on the elliptical, a hard ab workout and then a good "leg" end off with 10 minutes on the brand new (I swear I could smell the "newness" being worked in) tread mill!

I'm looking forward to the pain in my legs tomorrow!

I know...I have issues.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gone and done it

I've done something to the area around the inside of my right felt fine yesterday but I woke up during the night in excruciating pain and unable to fully extend my arm. See....this is what "working out" does to ya! I've been suffering with "tennis elbow" in the other arm since last June!! It either means, I'm too old for this, don't know how to "curl" or should just give up and turn myself into a "Babooshka" (slang for "old European grandma").

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week #4

It would've taken a heart beat for me to change my mind about going to the gym today. Unfortunately...or perhaps more importantly..."thankfully"....I had an inner voice telling me to kick myself in the ass. I went. And quite frankly....feel more pumped up after going, then ever! I think I'm a little inspired by the fact that my sister is back up and running again (she had injured her foot) and the whole reality of Boston is coming up fast and furious. So yeah....I'm inspired to work that much harder, get myself into that much better shape...I realize that I won't be in as good of shape as I was 4 (already?) years ago can hope!?!?

Anyways....I did my usual 20 minute elliptical (upping the speed a bit since my heartbeat seemed pretty "normal"...for one with high-blood pressure and major stress issues)...and then it was my "ab" routine (upping the intensity a bit on that too) and then upper body workout (upping the weights on that as well). I trembled and shook a bit after the workout was all good.

Shoulder press at 45
Chest press at 60
Row at 60
Tri press at 75
Bicep curl (free weights) at 10

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A few days off....

...between driving kids to ortho, appointments, school to write exams and cooking, and busting my butt to get my clients' work up to's year-end/GST time and it's been crazy!! By next week things should settle down and I'll be back in my routine. I'm hoping to get back to the gym tomorrow or Thursday morning. Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pain is a good

There really is some truth to the saying "no pain, no gain". My legs are still incredibly sore from the squats and workout I gave them the other day, the same time....I'm feeling a whole lot stronger than I did a couple of months ago. Things are tightening up and the fact the my jeans are tightening up around my a good thing as well.

I'm feeling very guilty though to have had those "fried wings" but *oh* they were so, so good!!! And you are allowed one "cheat meal" per week, right?

Friday, January 23, 2009

The end of week 3

I kind of missed out writing about the first three weeks of my "return to constant pain". But I have been progressing and "regularly" watching what I eat....that's not to say that I'm going hyper crazy...nada...I love food wayyyy too much to be eating low fat cottage cheese and baby bok choy every day.

I have managed however, to add 5 lbs to my weights each week...which is promising.

It's amazing just how quickly the heart recovers from being an incredibly lazy ass! I went from a stomping 158 beats per minute, barely pushing myself on the elliptical to 134 and having to pump a little harder only three weeks later! It's a good feeling, especially considering my heart was rated at a 55 year old level only 6 months ago...pretty sad huh? Yup....that's what doing nothing will do to ya! last workout (on Thursday) was a good 20 minutes on the elliptical, abs and emphasis on my legs. Um legs are not alive. Well apparently they're keeping me upright but.....they're in a mighty bit of pain...and I didn't even push myself!

I did watch what I ate today though....breakfast was a yogurt, then a small handful of almonds. Lunch was a piece of "tilapia" fish and a salad. I had a snack of a couple of slices of Hungarian salami (I told you) and dinner was a bit of my own version of "hamburger helper" (wayyy healthier than the boxed crap) and a side salad.

I am having a glass (or two) of wine now, but hey....I deserve it!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Years' Resolution

Yup....trying to add a "workout" blog to my regular story...